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Tangos and milongas: a journey through the Argentinean music

Entertainment 25/01/2023
Argentina is characterized for being a country where the music is in every corner, and the rhythm is rooted in history; from the sounds of a soft tango to thunderous rock, music has always been present in its people.

And to delve a little deeper into Argentina's culture, we'll take a brief look at the music.

Argentina's best-known musical genre is tango, full of sensual beats that create a unique atmosphere as dancers take to the dance floor.

Tango expresses love, desire, and tragedies through the dancers’ bodies, and is typically danced with a partner. Walks, high heels move, and lounges are some of the most famous movements to enjoy this popular Argentinian genre.

It is believed that tango originated in the 19th century, and the golden age was between 1920 and 1950.

The musical roots of tango range from Afro-Latin sounds, through the gaucho culture, to the mix of Spanish and Italian rhythms. It is worth mentioning that in 2009, it was recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. National Tango Day is celebrated on December 11th

Main singers: Carlos Gardel, Julio de Caro, Enrique Santos Discépolo, among others.

Couple dancing milonga

It is a folk music genre born in the Rio de la Plata region, and is related to the tango; however, the milonga is more cheerful, and the lyrics speak of everyday life in a more lighthearted way.

The Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges declared that he preferred the milonga, because the tango was too melancholic for his tast.

Main singers: Alfredo Zitarrosa, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Argentino Luna and Suma Paz.

Cumbia villera:
Born in the late 90s in the slums of Argentina, the cumbia villera gained recognition and popularity among the people thanks to lyrics addressing social issues, such as the repression associated with the lower classes.

However, the contagious rhythm of cumbia villera has managed to break taboos and be recognized as a characteristic sound of Argentina.

Main bands: Amar Azul, Damas gratis, Flor de piedra, Mala fama entre otras.

La Murga:
Murga is carnival music, born in the streets and originated in Afro-Latin rhythms. The Auténticos Decadentes perfectly portrayed the joy of the melody in their song El Murguero.

At the time, this genre so representative of urban culture, was banned by the last dictatorship, but this musical expression didn't disappear, it was only renewed when freedom came to the country..

We cannot stop talking about this musical genre in Argentina, since the 60s, this country has been one of the main exponents of rock in Spanish.

The Argentine influence has left a significant mark on the world of music, as the combination of traditional rock rhythms with Latin passion, opened the door to a wave of new groups and singers that expressed the feelings of a growing nation, breaking schemes and boundaries, to become a national identity.

Main bands: Soda Stereo, Los Abuelos de la Nada, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Los Enanitos verdes among others.

A show that exposes the relevance of Argentine rock in the world is 'Rompan Todo', which you can find on Netflix.

At Park Royal City Buenos Aires, we hope the light music notes will make you want to get to know Argentina's vibrant culture.
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